Hi, my name is Honey-Bea. I used to live with another family, but their circumstances changed and they found me a new Mum. Her name is Shelley. I just LOVE HER so much. She also has a couple of the “alternative fur people” (sometimes called CATS) but I like both of them as well. When Mum is away, I get to come and stay with Aunty Annnette at Delsasse for Dogs. I have so much fun here. They look after me very well I get great food, great play times and the BEST Tummy Rubs in town. I admit to being a “flirt”. Mainly with men – tradesmen, the gardener, anyone really that wants to let me bluff them! I originally thought I should be a bit “privileged” to be the very first BOARDER of the MONTH on the new Delsasse for Dogs Web-Site, but on re-thinking that, I DESERVE IT!!!
Love from HONEY-BEA
